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  1. Mais um importante documento que me passou despercebido...até hoje!

    O documento é da autoria da Fundo para a População das Nações Unidas (UNFPA em inglês) e intitula-se "Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A Focus on Human Rights and Gender". É de Dezembro de 2014, mas só agora, meio ano depois, foi detectado pelo nosso radar.

    Pode ler na introdução o propósito deste documento:
    "The right of access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is grounded in fundamental human rights and is a means to empower young people to protect their health, well-being and dignity. This Operational Guidance sets out UNFPA’s framework for CSE, which is one of five prongs to UNFPA’s Adolescent and Youth Strategy. It is also linked with the other four prongs, which are focused on: evidenced-based advocacy for development, investment and implementation; building capacity for sexual and reproductive health service delivery, including HIV prevention, treatment and care; bold initiatives to reach the most vulnerable; and youth leadership and participation."

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